Anno | Paese | Denominazione FIU |
2019 | Isle of Man | FIU - Isle of Man |
2016 | Kirghizistan | FIU - Kirghizistan |
2014 | Santa Sede/Stato della Cittā del Vaticano | Aif - Vaticano |
2014 | Sud Africa | Financial Intelligence Centre |
2014 | Panama | Superintendencia de Bancos de Panamā |
2014 | Gibilterra | FIU - Gibraltar |
2014 | Saint Martin | FIU - Saint Martin |
2012 | Guernsey | Financial Intelligence Service |
2012 | Danimarca | Financial Intelligence Unit |
2011 | Costa Rica | Unidad de Inteligencia Financiera de Costa Rica del Instituto Costarricense Sobre Drogas |
2011 | Giappone | Jafic - Japan Financial Intelligence Center |
2011 | Romania | National Office for the Prevention and Control of Money Laundering of Romania |
2011 | Saudi Arabia | Saudi Arabia Financial Investigation Unit |
2011 | Finlandia | National Bureau of Investigation |
2011 | Stati Uniti d'America | Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FINCEN) |
2011 | Honduras | |
2011 | Canada | Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada |
2010 | Mexico | Secretaria de Hacienda y Credito Publico de Los Estados Unidos Mexicanos |
2010 | Croatia | Anti-Money Laundering Department (AMLO) |
2010 | Montenegro | Administration for the prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing |
2010 | Venezuela | Superintendencia de Bancos y otras Instituciones Financieras |
2010 | Albania | General Directorate for the prevention of Money Laundering (GDPML) |
2010 | Aruba | Reporting Center Unusual Transactions Aruba (MOT Aruba) |
2010 | Bermuda | Financial Intelligence Agency |
2010 | Colombia | |
2010 | Estonia | Financial Intelligence Unit |
2010 | India | Financial Intelligence Unit |
2010 | Korea | Korea Financial Intelligence Unit |
2010 | Phlippines | Anti-Money Laundering Council |
2010 | Moldavia | Center for Combating Economic Crimes and Corruption |
2010 | Portugal | |
2010 | Belgium | |
2010 | St. Vincent e Grenadines | Financial intelligence Unit of St. Vincent and the Grenadines |
2010 | Isle of Man | |
2010 | Malta | |
2010 | Lettonia | Office for prevention of Laundering of proceeds derived from criminal activity |
2010 | Armenia | |
2010 | Andorra | |
2010 | Georgia | |
2010 | Macedonia | |
2009 | Ukraina | |
2009 | Republic of Serbia | |
2009 | Kosovo | European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) |
2009 | Poland | |
2009 | Russia | |
2008 | Norway | |
2008 | Switzerland | |
2007 | Sweden | Finanspolisstyrelsen Rikspolisstyrelsen, National Criminal Intelligence Service |
2007 | Luxembourg | |
2007 | Liechtenstein | |
2006 | Israel | |
2006 | Slovenia | |
2005 | Perų | |
2005 | Principate of Monaco | |
2003 | Czech Republic | Financial Analytical Unit |